Is Ruqyah Halal Or Haram in the United States?

Ruqyah, the practice of reciting specific verses from the Quran for healing purposes, is considered halal in Islam. It is a spiritual treatment that seeks to alleviate physical and psychological ailments through the power of Allah’s words. Ruqyah is recommended in Islamic tradition, as the Prophet Muhammad himself performed it and taught his companions to do so. However, it is important to note that seeking ruqyah should be done with the intention of seeking cure solely from Allah, as any reliance on other supernatural powers or superstitions would be considered haram (forbidden) in Islam.

About ruqyah or haram

In the United States, the practice of Ruqyah or the recognition of Haram has gained a notable presence over the years. Ruqyah refers to the Islamic spiritual healing practice conducted to seek relief from ailments such as possession, black magic, and evil eye, among others. Haram, on the other hand, encompasses actions, behaviors, or practices that are prohibited or sinful according to Islamic teachings. Both topics have sparked conversations and controversies within the diverse American Muslim community.

Ruqyah, rooted in the teachings of the Qur’an, uses specific verses and supplications to seek divine intervention for physical, mental, and spiritual healing. Islamic scholars and qualified practitioners often conduct Ruqyah sessions, which involve recitations, prayers, and rituals aimed at promoting well-being and warding off negative energies or afflictions. This practice has gained popularity among American Muslims seeking remedies beyond conventional medicine and therapy.

However, the popularity of Ruqyah has also raised concerns about potential exploitation and misuse. Some unscrupulous individuals have taken advantage of vulnerable individuals, claiming to have supernatural powers or charging exorbitant fees for their services. Consequently, regulations and guidelines have been established by Islamic authorities to ensure the proper and ethical practice of Ruqyah.

Similarly, the recognition and understanding of Haram have become increasingly important in the United States. With Muslims from diverse cultural and religious backgrounds residing in the country, differing interpretations of what constitutes Haram have emerged. This diversity has led to conversations and debates within the community to establish a common understanding of forbidden actions according to Islamic principles.

As the American Muslim population continues to grow, the topics of Ruqyah and Haram will likely remain relevant, evolving to reflect the ongoing discussions and interpretations within the community.

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ruqyah or haram Halal Certification

Ruqyah is a term often referred to in Islamic tradition as the practice of seeking spiritual healing through recitation, prayers, and supplication. It is believed to be a means of protection from evil spirits and removing afflictions. Ruqyah is often performed by trained individuals who recite verses from the Quran to invoke blessings, seeking the cure for physical and mental ailments.

The practice of ruqyah is deeply rooted in Islamic belief and has been a part of Muslim society for centuries. It is commonly sought after by those suffering from illnesses, black magic, or evil eye afflictions. In these instances, individuals may visit a specialist who performs the recitation, and it is believed that the spiritual healing may help alleviate their suffering.

On the other hand, halal certification refers to the process of certifying that a product or service complies with Islamic dietary restrictions and laws. Halal means “permissible” in Arabic, and certification ensures that the product does not contain any Haram (forbidden) ingredients or is not prepared using Haram methods.

Halal certification provides assurance to Muslim consumers that the product they are consuming is safe and permissible according to Islamic guidelines. It involves a thorough inspection of ingredients, production processes, and quality control to ensure compliance with Halal standards.

For both ruqyah and halal certification, their significance lies in their role in supporting the spiritual and religious beliefs of Muslims. Ruqyah helps individuals seek spiritual healing and protection, while halal certification ensures that Muslims are able to consume products in accordance with their faith.

In today’s globalized world, the importance of halal certification has grown significantly, as it allows Muslim consumers to access a wider range of products and services without compromising their religious values. Similarly, ruqyah continues to be sought after as a means of seeking spiritual solace and healing within the Muslim community.

Is ruqyah or haram in the United States? Conclusion

In conclusion, the concept of ruqyah, or the practice of seeking healing through recitation of the Quran or supplications, is a subject of debate among scholars. While there are varying opinions on its permissibility, it is generally agreed upon that ruqyah itself is not inherently halal or haram. The permissibility or prohibition of ruqyah depends on the intentions and methods employed.

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Many scholars argue that ruqyah is permissible when performed within the guidelines set by the teachings of Islam. This includes seeking healing through recitation of the Quran, supplications, and using permissible means, such as seeking medical treatment alongside ruqyah. When performed in accordance with these principles, it is considered a valid method of seeking healing and protection.

On the other hand, some scholars view certain practices associated with ruqyah, such as seeking help from unverified or ambiguous sources, as problematic and potentially leading to haram activities like shirk (associating partners with Allah). These scholars argue for caution and adherence to Islamic principles in ruqyah practices.

Ultimately, it is important for individuals seeking ruqyah to consult knowledgeable scholars and adhere to the principles of Islam. This ensures that the intentions and methods employed are consistent with the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah. Moreover, one should approach ruqyah as a supplement to accepted medical treatments, while recognizing that healing ultimately lies in the hands of Allah.

It is worth mentioning that differing opinions among scholars in matters like ruqyah are a testament to the diversity within the Islamic tradition and the importance of scholarly debate. Therefore, individuals should be mindful of their intentions and actions, seeking guidance from reliable sources and prioritizing their spiritual well-being while respecting the opinions of others.


Q1: Is Ruqyah considered halal or haram in Islam?
A1: Ruqyah is permissible (halal) in Islam.

Q2: What is Ruqyah?
A2: Ruqyah refers to the Islamic practice of seeking protection and healing from the Quranic verses, supplications, and prescribed prophetic actions.

Q3: Can anyone perform Ruqyah?
A3: Yes, anyone with proper knowledge and understanding of the necessary Quranic verses can perform Ruqyah.

Q4: Are there any conditions for performing Ruqyah?
A4: It is essential to have the correct intention, sincerity, and belief in the power of Allah during the process of Ruqyah.

Q5: Is seeking Ruqyah from others a form of shirk (associating partners with Allah)?
A5: No, seeking Ruqyah from others is not shirk as long as one believes that Allah is the ultimate healer and that the person performing Ruqyah is merely a means to that healing.

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Q6: Can Ruqyah involve any form of black magic or sorcery?
A6: No, Ruqyah should strictly adhere to the teachings of Islam and must not involve any forbidden practices like black magic or sorcery.

Q7: Is it necessary to recite specific Quranic verses during Ruqyah?
A7: While there are recommended verses and supplications commonly used in Ruqyah, it is not limited to particular verses as long as they are from the Quran and do not involve any forbidden elements.

Q8: Can Ruqyah be performed for non-Muslims?
A8: Yes, Ruqyah can be performed for non-Muslims, but it is important to convey the message of Islam with kindness and respect during the process.

Q9: Are there any limitations on performing Ruqyah?
A9: Ruqyah should be performed with moderation and should not lead to excessiveness, superstition, or reliance solely on Ruqyah, neglecting other forms of seeking medical help if needed.

Q10: Is it permissible to charge money for performing Ruqyah?
A10: Charging money for performing Ruqyah is not appropriate as it is a form of helping others, and seeking financial gain from it goes against the spirit of seeking Allah’s blessings and mercy in healing.

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